Saturday, April 24, 2010


最近在书脸上不少朋友分享“初恋红豆冰”的trailer. 我在youtube上看了几个“初恋红豆冰”clips, 也忍不住把它贴上书脸让更多人知道这部电影。
自己尤其喜欢电影的主题曲“纯文艺恋爱”。 阿牛说这首歌是他年少的时候听过的一首歌。每想到这首歌竟然跟电影如此般配。歌曲加上画面,一开始就让我想掉眼泪。

红豆冰的滋味是初恋的滋味。 吃一口冰冰甜甜的,但是还来不及享受就融化了。

红豆冰是马来西亚和新加坡特有的饮料。我想,这部电影, 也是属于马来西亚人和新加坡人的。 红豆冰的滋味并不是每个人都曾品尝过。红豆冰的记忆不是每个人都可以拥有。

看“初恋红豆冰”的trailer, 心里酸酸的,但是脑海浮现的并不是中学时第一个跟我‘牵手’的那个人, 而是年少时候一群打打闹闹的朋友,还有小时侯姐姐朋友的妈妈开的红豆冰摊, 和小学食堂卖的冰条。

他们是我小学参加‘交通游戏’认识的朋友。我们曾经为了比赛, 在彼此的家对着地图练习整个晚上, 曾经因为比赛第一次搭飞机,曾经因为比赛胜利而大声欢呼,曾经为了失败而包头痛哭,曾经住在同一间酒店的房间,住在同一个宿舍。 他们在我小学的最后一年里,为我制造了很多特别的记忆。

从前天真的每一个人,如今已经结了婚,做了爸爸妈妈。 而带领我们到处比赛的老师,其中一个也已经过世。


P/S 现在人在美国,不知道回去新加坡的时候“初恋红豆冰”会不会已经下画了。要等我啊“初恋红豆冰”。

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Two weeks in US

After spending two weeks in US, things start to get funny.
Mum and Sis start to have small conflicts. They argue over food, tidiness of the house, political stands and even Oliver.

When we went to Oklahoma and visit the bombing Memorial, Sis talked about how she felt about the victims, and Mum started talking about how more chinese were killed during WWII. And when Sis talked about why google wanna pull out from China, mum gave alot of 'strong' views why Chinese government should hold their stand. Then the trip back to Arkansas became interesting debate between the two. I felt very sleepy on our way to Oklahoma but was all awake on our way back. Oliver was very awake too.

Normally Mum will cook us meals at home but today, Sis decided to prepare some dishes for us. Mum started nagging from when Sis tried to cut vegetable till the dishes were done. Then when Sis wanted to clean up the mess in her car made by Oliver, Mum took over her job, insisted that Sis can't do a good job.

Mum has been in control in the household for very long. So even when she's here, she wants to be in charge. Though Sis and I hope that she can just enjoy her 'long stay' here, it seems like no matter how we plead her not to do certain things, she just can't stop.

Like what chinese always say, small arguments are 情趣. I know they won't 'face-off' due to those small things, so I guess I will just carry on my role as '3rd Party'.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

after so long!!!!

哈哈哈。 很久没有update了。
现在人在美国。 每天还是跟在新加坡一样,做工做工做工。
天气刚刚没有很冷,就一下子变的很热。太阳每天都猛烈的照着, 不做防晒出去晒个五分钟就有晒伤的可能。


不知道是巧妇难为无米之炊还是怎样,妈妈的伙食味道奇特的可以。意大利肉丸煮汤加香菇和紫色包菜,肉骨茶加鸡肉香菇和芹菜。连姐姐也不半开玩笑式的不向姐夫抱怨。唯一欣赏她的厨艺的人就是Oliver 了。只要有他想吃的东西, 没有人跟他争,他就非常高兴了。

我呢,只要Oliver可以乖乖的不要乱丢东西, 我就非常高兴了。

照顾小孩真的是一件非常困难的事。偶尔跟他玩玩还可以,每天,每时, 每刻跟他相处,他就变成一个恶魔了。

忍耐,忍耐... 呼...呼...呼...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Didn't blog for a very long time. Don't really know what I busy with. Maybe I am just too lazy to write anything or maybe I've got too many things I don't know what to write.
Life being a wife isn't much different from being a girl friend. I don't feel myself 'married'. The one obvious thing that's different, I have to address R's parents 'father' and 'mother'. I am still trying to get used to it.


马维斯要离队了。虽然在她离开前还必须要跟我们一样把很多乱七八糟, 来自电话簿里面的垃圾全部清理干净,但是我想至少她很快就可以不必再面对这些有的没的了。希望她喜欢她以后的工作。 希望我可以喜欢我的工作。。。

Friday, October 2, 2009


工作时想偷懒surf net一下, 也不知道要surf些什么。

学车? 渡蜜月?读书? 转业?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

不知道是不是每个女人都像我一样喜欢钻石。虽然明明知道它没有收藏的价值, 但是就是喜欢。(哈哈哈, 现实鬼)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Haven't posted anything for 2 months already. Have been busy with many things and I would rather take a nap, watch tv, read magazine, or just nonbiri suru whenever I have time.

Just came back from Taiwan and I can't say it's an joyful trip.

It's a wrong time to travel to taiwan. The weather was so hot and humid I could feel sweat five minutes after we walked out from our hotel. Drinking water was never enough. Everything seemed so far whenever walking required. Though there's typhoon alert and we expected rain, there's only drizzle. Though it's better to travel under sun than rain, how I hope the weather would be just a little bit more cooling.
Finally, the weather became windy one afternoon. But it's the afternoon we were leaving Taipei. We went up to 91st floor of 101 but couldn't go out to enjoy the scene because the wind was too strong and it's too dangerous for human at such high latitude.

Father ever told me taiwanese food are good to see but not good to eat. I thought as father is very health conscious, I might have different opinion on that. It turned out father's right. On our flight back and we recalled our trip, we couldn't recall one single meal or food that we will miss when we came back. I don't really like Singapore's food but now, I will learn to appreciate them all. I ate whole packet of Hainanese chicken rice the second day we reached Singapore (R couldn't finish his portion).

Well, I think I need to at least say some good things about Taiwan. I think Taiwanese people are very friendly, helpful and considerate. Either it's hotel staff, commuters on trains or strangers on street, we didn't encounter anyone who disgusted us.

Anyway, I don't think I will want to return to Taiwan in near future...