Tuesday, December 30, 2008


自从为SY办了结束单身的派对之后,一直好像很忙, 没有好好休息。
今天医生开了特强的抗生素给我, 迷迷糊糊睡了一天,才开始觉得稍微有一点起色。


Friday, December 26, 2008


原本想买华语的,但是站在书架前站得脚都累了,R也闷的走开了, 还是没办法决定买哪一本。价钱太贵了, 而且不能打开来看。 薄薄的一本至少要二十块以上, 实在买不下手。
日语的价钱不但比较便宜,而且两本厚厚的,全部彩页,里面除了介绍景点, 还有当地的食物,住宿, 民俗, 还附地图。 资料还算蛮详细。


Friday, December 12, 2008



春天想回去东京曾经住过的中目黑,看お母さん说的 ‘路的两旁, 目黑川河畔都开满樱花’的情景。

夏天想到北海道看麦田,马铃薯花,熏衣草, 向日葵。


冬天想看藤井树的故乡小樽, 想看白雪覆盖的清水寺。


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Soul Food

一个无聊的晚上不小心在 OKTO 频道看了一部叫 Udon 的日本电影。没有看到开始,却忍不住一直看到结束。电影的情节和流程有一些“predictable”,却让我感动。

其中“Soul Food”这个主题最能引起我的共鸣。
每一个地方,每一个人,都有属于自己的“Soul Food”。
我想,对于很多古晋人来说, Kolo Mee 和古晋 Laksa 就是我们的“Soul Food”吧。

很多人说,嗅觉记忆是最长久,最根深蒂固的。 也有人说过味觉记忆最能唤起人的情感。

“Soul Food”是一种融合了嗅觉和味觉记忆的东西。
当你把它放在口里咀嚼, 就会仿佛置身彼时彼地、彼情彼景。


Monday, December 8, 2008


終わった。 とうとう終わった。合格できても、できなくても、今の私は無関心だ。。。ハハハ。。。



Friday, October 17, 2008



意外的收到朋友的父亲逝世的消息,让我一时没办法消化。 希望这个朋友和家人可以好好振作,好好过新的生活。




Wednesday, October 1, 2008

F1 Outing

R's bro Z was kind enough to gave us two tickets to the qualifying of the first F1 night race in history.

I have been watching F1 for many years but it's the first time I got so close to the race. It's quite a good experience though we could only watch the cars zoomed by, didn't know what's going on and had to watch the replay on TV at the end of the day.

No outside food allowed. So we bought this fried rice which costed a good S$8.

Ok, I don't know whether this is Nelson Piquet Junior or Fernando Alonso but at least I manage to catch one of the two Renault car which eventually won the Singapore GP 2008.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Some Updates...

Latest from Animal Farm
Naima is finally leaving the farm after 7 years (or 8 years?) 'stink'. She will leave the Animal Farm next month. I hope she will like her new job and meet a more liberal boss. Congrats!
Angel is now the one and only initial conrad who remains in the farm. Now, it seems like she is trained to be 'dao qiang bu ru' bullet proof. She has learnt to take bad breathe from Hippo and fangs of Snake more easily. I hope she is not trying to hide her true feeling by acting this way. Take care!
Though it's a sad (and happy) news that Naima is leaving, everyone is kind of looking forward to meeting a new colleague, of course, if HE is a handsome guy. Ah... let's hope so...

Monday, September 15, 2008




Saturday, August 30, 2008

One more TRY... or One LAST ATTEMPT?

I am going for Level 1 AGAIN this year.
I have less confident this year. I had more time to study last year but not this year. Work has been more stressful. I guess I won't have extra time to do revision in the office like before.
If I fail again this year, I really don't know whether I still have the passion or desire or motivation or intention or time or whatsoever to do it again.
It seems like there are so many things waiting for me to do. I want to get a driver's license, I want to learn some other things I really like (like painting, gardening), I want to save some money and go travel, travel and travel...
Last time, I nearly did it but a fail is a fail. I am not sure whether I will come that close this time.
Ah, anyway, I will just try my best...As for the rest... time will tell...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Oshiyawase ni~

For the whole week after the Melaka trip, I was looking forward to Big Bro's ROM on 20/08/2008 (Wednesday).

Monday, I was down with high fever. When Big Bro sent me a reminder sms about his big day, I informed him that I was sick. He asked me to rest well cos he couldn't wed without me.

I knew he was just kidding when he said he couldn't wed without me, but it made me feel important.

When he decided to tie the knot with his girl friend, I was one of the first to know that. He invited me to be his witness. My signature would be on his marriage certificate!!!! I was so excited about this and I didn't want to miss the day myself!!!!

Thank god on Tuesday, the fever went down and on Wednesday, I was fit and conscious enough to witness him.

With my signature on the cert, I surely hope Big Bro and his WIFE will Live Happily Ever After. (and I know they will)

PS. Thursday, I returned to work, Friday, the fever came again...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Motivation~

这几天晚上我都在看游泳项目的重播, 特别一定要看蛙泳项目,一定要看北岛康介。

我不是十几二十岁的少女,对于这个二十七的日本泳将, 我并不迷恋, 但是我却不想错过任何他的比赛。

在这个被西方人, 尤其美国和费尔普斯称霸的‘水立方’,北岛康介这张东方脸让我不至于对游泳这个我最爱看的运动项目产生冷感。



Thursday, August 7, 2008

So Ti~~red~~

I'm going to Melaka for the weekend. Though it's only a two day trip and Melaka is just 2 or 3 hours away from Singapore, I am really looking forward to it. Actually I can't wait for it to come.

Though I have been working at least 9 hours per day for the last few weeks, work still keep piling up. I have given up playing catch up with the news.

I really need a break! I really need to get out of here!

Melaka, here i come~

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Ah B搬到伦敦去工作。

后来‘大哥’去伦敦找Ah B, 回来后问我对巴黎的印象。

‘大哥’告诉我Ah B说去了巴黎就会知道我们的国家有多可爱。巴黎脏,乱, 没有人情味。浪漫之都是骗人的。

我只在巴黎待了24小时,脑海中的巴黎只有凯旋门, 罗浮宫和巴黎铁塔。





Friday, July 25, 2008


I don't really have time to update my blog recently.
Have been working very hard. I wonder whether all the hard work will pay off at the end?

I have been asking this question again and again, but I still think it's worthy to write it down again. (To show my anger)
Why is that bilingual in Chinese and English so much inferior compared to bilingual in other languages like Korean and Chinese or Japanese and English?
We are all doing the same things (or maybe more than they are doing), but why are we being treated so differently?
Why is that people will just see a Chinese speaker, who can also speak Japanese, English, Malay, Cantonese, not as good as a native Japanese, Korean or English speaker?

Can somebody give me a good answer?

P/S I wanna write this in Chinese but this is R's PC and it doesn't have Chinese input set up.

Friday, July 11, 2008



今天有一个朋友跟另一个朋友分手。我不知道他们是不是真的下定了最后决心,但是几年的感情,几天内说断就断, 让我有点不敢相信。是不是我老了,跟不上年轻人的作风?


Friday, July 4, 2008

Welcome on Board~!

Moon is coming over to join us at the 'so far so good' United Nations pirate ship (gosh... the name is so long).
I cannot roll red carpet to welcome her so this entry is for her.
So to Moon, I am so happy that you are finally going to take over China. China is so important so great you must treat it like it's the most precious thing on earth.
I hope you enjoy your new role and your new VIP window seat.
As for me, I think I can finally plan for a short break.
Thank you very much!
After me, Moon is yet another conrad from Animal Farm hopping over.
However, this is not the exciting part. What excited me is the turnover rates of Animal Farm. I suspect it hasn't reached its peak yet...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Whatever will be, will be...

Captain C has left United Nations Pirate Ship to be with his Kawaii girl friend.
Captain C has always been a good leader and friend. He is dependable as a leader and fun to hang around with as friend. For 3 1/2 years, I don't remember seeing him throw his temper to anyone.
As a leader, he almost scored perfect.
Now that he's gone, everybody is feeling lost. The first day without him, I've already received messages from other crews telling me they miss him.

The ship is going to be headed by 大长今. So far she has been quite a nice and gentle person.
What worries us is the influence Obasan 长今 has on 大长今.

Are we going to be a 长今 colony, or we will continue to lead a happy life on board?
Let's wait and see..

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


好几年前看过一部香港电影叫“天涯海角”。患有血癌的女主角在人生的最后来到了“天涯海角”。 看过这部电影的人或许跟当时的我一样很想去一趟“天涯海角”。幻想那是一件多么浪漫的事。
前几天读了杂志-姐妹才知道原来剧中的“天涯海角”就是苏格兰的Isle of Skye。

P/S 即使没有电影,Skye也绝对是一个令人陶醉的小岛…

Friday, June 6, 2008

My Long Vacation - Part II

Ok, after almost 1/2 month, here I am again to share something to you about my journey to Europe.

The weather wasn't very good when we were in Scotland. It was all rain for the first two days. On the third day morning, my mood was as gloomy as the weather when our B&B host told us that according to weather forecast, the weather wouldn't get any better. However, I guess lady luck just wouldn't want us to miss the beauty of Skye. When we came out from Dunvegan Castle, the sun was warm and the sky was clear.

This is one of my favourite views throughout the journey. Loch Dunvegan, where Dunvegan Castle stands.

The weather forecast was wrong for the day we were in Skye but was quite right for the rest of our journey in Scotland.

This is the view of Royal Mile, Edinburgh from the window of Starbucks cafe. We were all wet on our way up to Edinburgh Castle dued to heavy rain we decided to get a cup of hot coffee/tea at Starbuck after the visit to the castle, and at the meantime tried to get our clothes and shoes dried.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Good Luck!

It seems like some changes are going to take place in the Animal Farm. For better or worse, I just hope that my conrads working in the farm will be able to think smart and make good decisions.
Good Luck!

Bad Day

Miss Bong, Koon and I travelled to KL for PS's wedding. It started with big bus and lorry jam at Tuas and ended with long wait at Puduraya.
The return journey was especially horrible. Puduraya doesn't seem to change a bit ever since don't know how many decades ago. It's still hot, crowded and smoker friendly.
We bought the 2:30 pm tickets but waited for 1.5 hours before the bus finally showed up.
Just look at Miss Bong's face (if you can find her) and you will know how we felt...

The worst's yet to come. When we boarded the bus, someone else had taken our seats. Apparently the bus company oversold the tickets. It again took us some time to bring the lady who sold us the tickets to the bus and negotiate with the bus driver to let us have our seats we so well deserved after the long wait. Finally, we got our seats. But the oil leaking from the top of the bus worried us. The driver couldn't explain the oil, nor could he get rid of the oil. It just kept leaking and we just kept sucking in smelly air and thinking what might happen to the bus, and us. (I know it's silly)
Of course we reached Singapore safely but I don't think I will wanna travel to by bus anymore.

There's good thing though. I bought this cute pants from a very helpful Thai, and I am so glad that R san likes it. Hehe...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Long Vacation

The first day I reached Scotland, I felt so sick I thought I might have to come back to Singapore the next day. However, the 17 days flies, fying, flew, flown and I have already back for one week. I have I can share with everyone all my experiences but I don't think there is any where I can load 10 GBs of photo.

This is one of the most expensive meal I had in Scotland. The restaurant is just beside Loch Fyne http://www.lochfyne.com/. We were on our way to Glencoe but took a wrong turn and end up here. The crab soup was so so so creamy and rich... yum....

This is view of Loch Evite and Glen Etive at the end of the road after almost one hour drive with don't know how many twists and turns.

This is view from main road toward the B&B we stayed in Isle of Skye, and Loch Greshornish which I faced first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

The sun rises as early as 5AM and sets only around 9:30PM. R and I would be sitting near our room's window, organising our trip the next day while waiting for the sun to set....

This is view of mysterious Loch Ness and ruin of Urquhart Castle. Though I didn't have the luck to meet with Nessie, the perfect views of bluish Loch Ness from every corner of the castle just made the short trip equally fulfilling.


Saturday, April 19, 2008


Spring is a season to do housekeeping. See what R found in his ear. The photo might be a bit blur, but take a close look, it's a carcass of an ant.

Spring is a season to loves. See what I've captured outside my window. Two lovey dovey pigeon. They really "do the do" after I have taken this photo. Too bad I didn't manage to catch them in action. My camera was too slow and their actions were just too fast.

Spring is a season to get out of Singapore. Let me see... Raf has already flown to Paris. I am leaving coming wednesday. Asoh and her L Theory will be heading to Taiwan right after me. And Big Bro and Samuel will be visitng Japan soon after I return.
So who else?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Caribbean, anyone?

What come into your mind when you hear 'Caribbean'? Beautiful beaches, colorful people and never ending parties.
I have been dealing with Caribbean countries since last week. I didn't go anywhere near Caribbean. No sunshine, no sea breeze. There're only heavy rain outside, dull computer in front and lots of lots of names, years, images etc...

Today, everything has finally come to an end.

Though I know it will come back to haunt me again in near future, I am so glad that I can throw the Caribbean away now and dream about northern hemisphere.

Sunday, March 16, 2008




Monday, March 10, 2008


It has been quite a while since I last updated my blog.

My mobile N80 with 'acceptably good' camera was spoilt. Now I just cannot take or load any picture. I hate my blog entry without pictures.

Many things happened last weekend.
Malaysia ppositions claim poll win in five states.
Rio Ferdinand played goalkeeper in FA cup against Portsmouth.
I become owner of a semi pro camera.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


印尼地震频频,动物园也发生了微震。 还好现在一切都回归平静。
希望当事人下次不要再那么冲动了。 忍一时风平浪静, 退一步海阔天空。 阿弥陀佛~~


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


剪剪剪, 剪掉了三千烦恼丝。


虽然暂时还有些不习惯后脑勺空空冷冷的, 但是自己还蛮喜欢现在的发型的。 很庆幸大家对于我的新形象也有蛮正面的反应。 (阿弥托佛)

感谢PP每次当我对自己的头发束手无撤的时候, 都可以剪出让我满意的发型。

Friday, February 1, 2008


那是一个很不错的地方, 没有四轮驱动车可能没办法到达。
因为填海的关系, 沙滩很白, 水很清, 人几乎没有, 鱼也很容易上钩。








Monday, January 28, 2008


我在纽西兰也看过雪。 但是那是雪崩的雪。只能够在车里看却不能碰。 因为车子必须在发生下一个雪崩之前开离危险地带。
在日本的时候也看过飘雪。但是因为温度不够低, 雪花在落到地上前已经变成了水。

小时候总是有很多愿望, 而这些愿望都随着我长大而消失, 改变。
但是到极地的愿望, 这么多年来一直没有改变。

零度以下, 所有东西都结冰, 寒风刺骨。 这是我想感受的天气。
我很喜欢阿拉斯加,挪威,芬兰这些国家。 那里可以看到峡湾和冰山, 还有我最爱的鲸鱼和北极光。
小时候念了一篇关于鲸鱼唱歌的文章, 从次就爱上了鲸鱼。
然后中学时候读了刘庸一篇关于在飞机上看到北极光的情景, 从次就迷上了北极光。
很希望将来真的有那么一天,我穿着厚厚的寒衣, 听着鲸鱼歌唱, 看着北极的精灵在夜空中游戏...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Power of Rare Male Species

Someone is on MSN and dozing off in front of his work station.

No complain, no warning letter.... Have the animals transformed into gentler species after so many resignations they are going to let workers in animal farm do whatever they want? Or it's just another proof of 'Opposite Attracts'?

Thursday, January 10, 2008



来了两个新人, 一男一女。 女的没什么可以题的。 男的就不一样了。
河马变得偶尔幽默偶尔温柔, 但是可能不是对每个人。 而蛇呢, 更是对他循循善诱, 孜孜不倦, 教导有方, 忍辱负重。 旁观者看来是有点受不了, 但是这三个人(动物)好像很乐在其中。
或许园里有个男生在是好的。 动物的注意力都放在他身上, 这样其他人就可以稍微歇一歇。 但是看来纽约仔不是个泛泛之辈。 他可能会进化成河马和蛇之后的另一只动物。

我的同志们, 希望你们多加防备, 好好关照彼此。 保重!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

羊咩咩好介绍 - 古晋干捞面

上次介绍了古晋Laksa 这回要介绍古晋干捞面。

我想很多人都知道古晋干捞面。 因为这一两年来,有一间打着古晋干捞面名号的面店在这小小的岛屿开了不少的分店。我曾经光顾过该店两次, 第一次是它刚开店的时候, 第二次是找不到吃的所不得已。羊咩咩本人觉得该店的干捞面味道不够好, 价钱也偏高了一点,所以领教了两次已经不敢恭维了。


到目前为止最让我最满意的是位于Jurong East 的这家面店。

这家店还有卖古晋Laksa ,最近也带来了古晋 Mee Pok。


New Journeys...

Between Chirstmas day and New Year, PS got married and SH gave birth to a baby boy.
PS and SH are my university friends.
There are so many memorable moments that we shared together.
Eussof Hall and Extension Hall A
We stayed up many nights just to play Yahoo word games. We had 'Big Bowl Rice' created by PS as dinner. I knocked on PS's door in the middle of the night after a ghost story session with other hall mates. ..
In a small rented room at Clementi
There were again so many sleepless nights during exam period when we got addicted to Bridge card game. SH liked to sleep early so I had to use torch light or table lamp to do my bed time reading.
It's still like yesterday that three of us stayed under one roof.
Now both of them have become wives and mother. This is life and every moment is worth celebrating.
Congratulations, my friends. I always love you.