Sunday, July 27, 2008


Ah B搬到伦敦去工作。

后来‘大哥’去伦敦找Ah B, 回来后问我对巴黎的印象。

‘大哥’告诉我Ah B说去了巴黎就会知道我们的国家有多可爱。巴黎脏,乱, 没有人情味。浪漫之都是骗人的。

我只在巴黎待了24小时,脑海中的巴黎只有凯旋门, 罗浮宫和巴黎铁塔。





Friday, July 25, 2008


I don't really have time to update my blog recently.
Have been working very hard. I wonder whether all the hard work will pay off at the end?

I have been asking this question again and again, but I still think it's worthy to write it down again. (To show my anger)
Why is that bilingual in Chinese and English so much inferior compared to bilingual in other languages like Korean and Chinese or Japanese and English?
We are all doing the same things (or maybe more than they are doing), but why are we being treated so differently?
Why is that people will just see a Chinese speaker, who can also speak Japanese, English, Malay, Cantonese, not as good as a native Japanese, Korean or English speaker?

Can somebody give me a good answer?

P/S I wanna write this in Chinese but this is R's PC and it doesn't have Chinese input set up.

Friday, July 11, 2008



今天有一个朋友跟另一个朋友分手。我不知道他们是不是真的下定了最后决心,但是几年的感情,几天内说断就断, 让我有点不敢相信。是不是我老了,跟不上年轻人的作风?


Friday, July 4, 2008

Welcome on Board~!

Moon is coming over to join us at the 'so far so good' United Nations pirate ship (gosh... the name is so long).
I cannot roll red carpet to welcome her so this entry is for her.
So to Moon, I am so happy that you are finally going to take over China. China is so important so great you must treat it like it's the most precious thing on earth.
I hope you enjoy your new role and your new VIP window seat.
As for me, I think I can finally plan for a short break.
Thank you very much!
After me, Moon is yet another conrad from Animal Farm hopping over.
However, this is not the exciting part. What excited me is the turnover rates of Animal Farm. I suspect it hasn't reached its peak yet...