Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Didn't blog for a very long time. Don't really know what I busy with. Maybe I am just too lazy to write anything or maybe I've got too many things I don't know what to write.
Life being a wife isn't much different from being a girl friend. I don't feel myself 'married'. The one obvious thing that's different, I have to address R's parents 'father' and 'mother'. I am still trying to get used to it.


马维斯要离队了。虽然在她离开前还必须要跟我们一样把很多乱七八糟, 来自电话簿里面的垃圾全部清理干净,但是我想至少她很快就可以不必再面对这些有的没的了。希望她喜欢她以后的工作。 希望我可以喜欢我的工作。。。